It’s a Boy! Yard Greeting Rental


SKU: YGAB01 Category:


We only get one chance to celebrate a baby’s birth. Your baby is a star, so let the world know that your baby boy is here with a yard announcement! This adorable yard greeting will have everyone stopping for a closer look.

This It’s a Boy yard greeting rental sign is perfect for anyone that’s been blessed with a new baby boy. What better and easy way to welcome your newborn baby to his new home? This beautiful yard greeting includes the following items:

• “IT’S A BOY” letters in blue
• 12 assorted balloons
• It’s a Boy stork
• It’s a Boy deluxe stroller
• Weight of your newborn baby
• Baby’s name in toy block letters
• Baby boy bottles
• Other artwork, based on availability
Rental duration: 1 week

Additional information


7 days, 14 days, 30 days

Balloon Colors

Red, Yellow, and Blue, Blue, Yellow, and White, Blue, Red, and Green